Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Journalism Article

Is High School Really All That It Is Made Up To Be?

by Sophia Diego

We all hear of high school being the best four years of our lives, and for some yes, they might have enjoyed their time in high school, but others hated high school, like me. I feel as though we waste so much of our time caring about what other people think. We stress ourselves out by trying to impress everyone and live up to everyone else’s standards but our own. Why do we kill ourselves just in order to make people like us? We change who we are as people in order to be accepted and so I ask all of you, why? Stop being fake and be true to yourself. If people like you for who you are then awesome! If they do not then who cares? They are the ones who are missing out on an awesome person! In my personal opinion, all i have learned through high school is that you really can not rely on anybody but yourself and your family. I mean think about it, ten years from now you will not hear half of these peoples names or hear from these people that you see everyday. There is life after high school. I feel that my high school experience would have been a little bit better if I had been a little bit more involved with the school. For example, I wish I had went out for cheer all four years of high school and not just freshman year. I wish I was involved with ASB and Yearbook. I wish I did not bury myself with working so much. I wish I did not get a job as soon as I turned 15 ½ because now I know the value of my time and now I know that I am going to be working for the rest of my life. So my advice to you; Live for yourself. Enjoy your time in high school and spend time with those you love, because you never know when your time together will be cut short. Be involved. Do things you never thought you had the courage to do. Try out for that sport you never thought trying, who knows? You might be really good at it! You do not want to live a life full of regret. I mean, who wants to live a life full with regrets and What-ifs?

“I feel that high school is all what you make it.” -Shane Legace
“I feel a ton of regret and that high school has been a total waste of my time.” -Kaycee Aquininoc

“I expected high school to be so much more than what it really was.” -Cesar Marinez