my bio

Birthplace and Date: I was born on August 17th, 1996 in San Diego, California.
Family: My family is very complicated. My mother and biological father had me together, but they both had children with other people as well. My mother was first married to Fred and together they had Anthony 
Displaying photo.JPG(36), Tiana (31). My dad was with a woman named Fey and together they had Franklin (36), Adriel (32), Donis (23) and my younger brother Mikey (17). My mom also had another child 4 years before me with her boyfriend at the time, Tony, and they had Mauricio (21). My moms first husband became my father figure when I was 7 years old because I moved into his house with my sister. 
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Childhood and School Life: As a child I excelled in school. I was really good at Math and English. My child was pretty messed up though. I had to live most of my life without my mom, but you will read more about that later.

Displaying photo.PNGPossible Interests or Career Goals: My dream was to become a nurse; more specifically a pediatrician, but the cost for medical school was way too unrealistic for me. As of right now I am working two jobs; Monday-Friday I work as an Office Admin for my older brother Anthony's construction company and Saturday and Sunday I work at In-N-Out Burger. I plan on going to college for business so that I can then further my career within my brothers business. So when people ask me what I want to do for the rest of my life I tell them that I am already doing it.

What do you want to be known for? When I leave high school, I want to be known as the girl who was happy to help anyone and everyone with whatever they needed it. I want to be known as the girl who always had a smile on her face no matter what. 

When I was 7 years old my mother went to jail and I had to move in with my older sister Tiana. My entire life was changing and I had absolutely no control over it. I had to move to a town where I had only one freinds whom I had already known my entire life. At home my sister was always either working or going to school at night at Grossmont College. I had to learn how to take care of myself at the age of 8. I had to be independent when kids my age were still getting tucked into bed. I feel that is why I am the way I am. I do not like people trying to help me out; I enjoy taking care of myself. Compared to many other people I feel as though I didn't have much of a childhood at all due to my living situation. I like being independent at my age. I was 15 1/2 when I got my first job. I liked always being busy. I liked the independence and freedom that came with being a working adult. I loved making my own money and not having to ask anyone for anything.
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